
Come chat with us on Discord! Our community counts 12000+ members and is rapidly growing. FAQ:

    Where can I buy it?
  • Derail Valley, it's available on Steam now. The aforementioned update is coming out later this year.
    How can I report a bug, or send feedback?
  • Feel free to reach out to us via Discord, Steam forums, email and other social media! We read all feedback and bug reports coming our way. Please include your log and save files whenever possible.
    Will you add multiplayer/co-op?
  • It's not planned. It's a very complex feature that cannot be done easily be done easily and by modders. But it can't really, not in any well-functioning capacity.
    Currently there are no plans to add any form of multiplayer due to available resources needed elsewhere. If the future of Derail Valley is successful, we'd gladly consider working on multiplayer as a separate product. Multiplayer would be amazing, not doing isn't due to our preference but a financial necessity.
    Where can I find log and save files?
  • File "player.log" is located in %AppData%\..\LocalLow\Altfuture\Derail Valley
    File "savegame" is located in steamapps\common\Derail Valley\DerailValley_Data\SaveGameData
    Is there a project roadmap?
  • Yes, please see our actively updated Community Unlocks page for the list of what's coming (and potentially coming) to Derail Valley. For the list of currently available features please see the Feature List.

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bought the game on, and further supporting us: Community Unlocks | Buy our music